Resources provide self-guided tools for further understanding.
Resources & Courses Offered

Resources for Anxiety & Stress
Book Recommendations for Mood, Burnout, and Stress
Burnout: Understanding the causes, with descriptive ideas about ways to heal, and prevent burnout again.
Understand emotions and what is contributing to what you label as depression or anxiety.
Books by Brene Brown include topics of shame, healing from perfectionism, and building authentic understanding of yourself.
Caregiver & Parent Resources with MORE EFFT Information
An external website developed by clinicians, focused on resources for mental health support for families, caregivers, parents, individuals, and couples. It provides videos to watch, as well as handouts that can be helpful.
Check Out Upcoming 2 Day EFFT Parenting Workshops: REGISTER HERE
Community Resources for Eating Disorder Help
Eating Disorder & Non-Dieting Dietitians
Dietitians provide a vital role of supporting folks of all ages to improve their relationship with food, as well as assess nutritional needs as part of the recovery from chronic dieting, binge eating, and other eating disorders. I’ve created this list of dietitians in the community whom I commonly collaborate and share care with.
Adolescents & Pediatric Dietitian Supports:
Atheana @
Cara & Team @
Heidi @
** BluePrint Nutrition Also Works with Kids with ARFID **
Adult Specific Dietitian Supports:
Sarah @
Atheana @
Suzanne @
Heidi @
Michelle @
A reminder to ditch the food rules, the dieting, and focus on eating all foods intuitively.
Group based support can be accessed in addition to individual therapy support for an eating disorder. Here are 2 community resources.
NEDIC is a national eating disorder resource centre which is free to access.
Recommended Eating Disorder Self-Help Books
Books by Jenni Schaefer who has personal experience with recovering from an eating disorder.
Understanding and recognizing the medical complications of eating disorders specifically.
Parents are providing the healing relationship for eating disorder recovery. It’s exhausting, scary, and overwhelming. Here is a list I’ve created of available books, videos, and websites that provide support whenever you need to access it.