A mind body integrative healing technique.
EFT Tapping across Ontario & New Brunswick
What is EFT Tapping?
It is an energy psychology technique that focuses on restoring balance to energy flow. EFT is a right left brain stimulating intervention, which is also considered a memory reconsolidating technique.
EFT tapping is often combined with other talk therapy based modalities, including for example Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. EFT Tapping integrates the mind-body connection, focusing on resolving the "core beliefs" which often include a theme in your life, or thought patterns of "I'm not worthy of that, or I'm not good enough." When core beliefs are resolved, it shifts repetitive patterns in your life.
EFT Tapping is sought after, due to feeling "stuck" in old patterns, or they have tried other therapy types and end up resorting back to the same old patterns over time, or feel like nothing else has worked for them.
WHY Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT?
EFT Tapping, is an energy psychology technique and focuses on restoring balance to the body's energy systems through a guided practice, in session together.
EFT Tapping provides rapid anxiety and stress relief as a mind-body integrated and evidenced based intervention. Shifting “stuck" old patterns.
Emotional Freedom Techniques help to provide immediate relief from anxiety & Stress.
EFT has been recognized as an effective trauma treatment approach as it de-activates and calms the amygdala an area of the brain controlling PTSD responses, and trauma trigger reactions.
EFT can be used on your own and within a session.
Tapping Demonstration, Self-Help Intro to EFT Tapping
Emotional Freedom Techniques Tapping combines psychology (focusing on a thought, emotion, or memory, with the EFT tapping sequences that releases stuck energy in the mind-body system. This release can restore balance to the mind body energy flow, contribute to rapid relief of anxiety and depression, stress reduction,and physical pain. It provides long lasting relief due to the way it gets to the "core causing factors".
EFT Tapping: Research Results
There are currently over 100 research studies providing evidence to support the effectiveness of treating the following conditions by combining tapping with counselling:
Depression & Anxiety
Freedom from Worry
Chronic Pain
Food Cravings
Reducing Stress
Smoking Cessation
Shelley’s Experience with Energy Psychology
As a social worker I'm trained to assess both the individual, alongside the systems that surround them. This includes assessing the situation from a holistic perspective.
Overtime, practicing in rigid systems, non-profit organizations, I began to realize that only focusing on mental health concerns, although important and my speciality after all, we were limited at resolving concerns. I then began to focus my journey of learning, new ways to help, on trauma healing.
We all have experienced some form of trauma in our lives, even if it's ancestral, brought from our parents trauma histories, or little "t" trauma, a moment that was humiliating, or a big "T" trauma of experiencing a natural disaster, or a situation where you felt your safety was at risk.
In my practice over the past 12 years, I've found that many of the folks seeking my services, have brought their spiritual practices, curiosity, and energy healing practices into sessions with me. I've heard it, and since focused on integrating these tools into my sessions.
EFT tapping is effective when integrated into sessions, as it allows for an opening up of thoughts, reflection, and pacing the process of change to feel comfortable, not rushed, or scary, while providing immediate relief, the most important piece, when we seek help.
Think this sounds too good to be true. Well, I can admit I was once skeptical too, as are many of my clients at the start of agreeing to try counselling services with EFT. I always say, we can try something once, and if it's not a fit, there are many other options. Consider trying something new today, you never know if it will help unless you try it out for yourself.
Psychotherapy & Counselling can be integrated with EFT Tapping.
Therapy is an investment in your wellbeing both in the present and for your future. Therapy is more then just what happens in the sessions. Practicing skills and strategies in between sessions can boost your confidence in making changes that are desired.
EFT Tapping practice at home between sessions with Shelley.