Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Offered In Ontario & New Brunswick
Pause and connect your focus to your inner voice. What does that internal narrator tell you?
Our inner voice is always present. The voice that tells us we feel proud of ourselves, or it beats us up. The voice that can even be cruel.
The thoughts that race in your head, the anxiety revs up with intensity in your body. The emotions start showing up, the tears start flowing, and you just want to redo everything you feel you ever messed up on.
It feels impossible, you just would rather give up. You recognize patterns of being irritable with others, fearful of how they will judge you. You just don’t have the energy to cope with any more anxiety, you just can’t risk it.
You’ve turned to using strategies to numb your feelings like binge watching Netflix, or emotional eating.
PERFECTIONISM is something that you’ve engaged in as well. You recognize you are always trying to “GET IT RIGHT!” It’s exhausting, and you feel you can no longer keep up with these patterns of living. Fear of change is showing up and you recognize you need to try something new.
Discover more joy, & make friends with yourself by trying out self-compassion strategies!
Mindfulness helps you to observe, and be present in your daily living. Mindfulness is a foundation to increasing self-compassion. Want to be nicer to you, and quiet that inner cruel voice?
Mindfulness Experiential Practice
Try out this mindfulness exercise and learn more about therapist style.
Understanding the benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness Breath Practice
Our breathe is the remote control to our thoughts and body. When we can turn down the volume of our thoughts, we can connect more to the present moment, and listen to our bodies signals.
Mindfulness & Nature
Forest bathing, or sitting/standing in the forest, is helpful to soothe and calm us. Being present in nature, focusing on your 5 senses with mindfulness helps to provide stress relief.
Mindfulness & Relaxation
Mindfulness induces a relaxed state. It activates our parasympathetic nervous system. That turns on digestion, lowering heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and quieting the mind.
Mindfulness helps Reduce Emotional Distress
Mindfulness broken down into 3 parts helps improve emotion regulation skills. OBSERVE what you feel, DESCRIBE without judgment, thoughts, feelings, experiences you have, PARTICIPATE, how will you choose to react to the thoughts, feelings, situation?
Self-Compassion Benefits are in Abundance.
Research has shown that self-compassion helps to:
Reduce vulnerability with depression & anxiety
Interrupts and supports recovering from eating disorders
Reduces tendencies towards coping with perfectionism
Improves self-worth, and self-esteem
Let’s talk about SHAME.
Shame is a core emotion we all experience as humans.
Shame often makes us want to run and hide. We feel and believe that we are a bad person, unworthy, and undeserving of something.
Shame resiliency includes self-compassion practices, supporting you to work through the emotion rather than avoid it.